Save the sea as Sig a small Dumbo Octopus. Travel from the clear coastal coves to toxic and polluted waters of the deep; while battling oil monsters with your ink bubbles, tentacle jumps and other fun power ups. This adventure will determine the survival of all sea life in the ocean!
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Below is a video of gameplay.
Sig's Sea Adventure is a 2D Platformer game with a 2 Player death match mode, 2D swimming mechanics, water psychics to allow objects to float or sink. Created in the Unity game Engine and all art assets made by myself in Photoshop as well as all C# scripts created. A couple of YouTubers have played my game project and created a gameplay walkthrough video, links can be found below gameplay video.

As my main character is an Octopus that shoots ink bubbles, I knew from the get go I wanted to create swimming mechanics for my character so that the Player could jump in the water and swim and exit the water and return to normal. This was just as important to get right.
To start off I created and 2D zero gravity zone so when the Player enters the zones their gravity would switch off so they would stay still, but as this is a side platfomer the Player could only move left or right. So I had to make sure that when the Player enters the zero gravity zone, a trigger would check to so if the Player is in the zone and if so allow the Player to move up and down as well as continue to move left and right.
With a few more tweaks I was able to create swimming mechanics for my 2D game.
After making the main game mode, I decided to create and design a 2 Player death match mode called "Battle Arena". With two players battle to the death.
As the game supports game pad controls I mapped it so that Player 1 uses the Keyboard while Player 2 uses the game pad controller.
This game play mode, breathed new life into this game project as at a Q & A event at my University. Players really enjoyed the battle mode and spent plenty of time playing this mode. While a couple of Players pretended to be in a tournament.
This was interesting to see how Players played my game and how they did things I didn't intend them to do, but through my design they were able to enjoy the experience.